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How to export data?


Make sure the following prerequisites are met:

  1. You have a valid authentication context (see the guide on authentication).
  2. You have read access to at least one Dataset.

Using Obelisk Data Exports

Obelisk supports exporting large quantities of data as CSV bulk files (see Data Exports), using a two-phased approach. Before you can download the export, you first need to request the export using the Obelisk UI or API, so it can be scheduled by the system.

Requesting an export

A Data Export can potentially target huge amounts of data, hence exports are not executed on-the-fly. When a user requests an export, a job for the export is added to a queue. The queue is then processed according to the FIFO principle by a number of distributed Exporter Services.


Data Exports are also subjected to your Usage Limits. Check your account settings to determine the maximum amount of records a single export can include and how many exports can be associated with your account simultaneously.

You can create a new Data Export using the Obelisk Catalog UI, by clicking 'New' on the My Exports page and then following the instructions on the screen. Alternatively, you can also use the Catalog API to create the Data Export (e.g. when creating the export from a service or application). To do this, perform the following GraphQL Query:

mutation {
    createStream(input: {
        name: "DemoExport1"
        dataRange: {datasets: "<Some Dataset ID>"}
    }) {
        item {

This GraphQL mutation requests the creation of a new export with the name "DemoExport1" targeting the Dataset with the specified id. Because no specific Metrics are defined in the dataRange and no filter is present in the request (see Common Query Properties for a reference on the optional request parameters), the Data Export will export all events that are posted to the respective Dataset up until the export request time. By specifying responseCode and message in the expected return value, the response will include information on whether the request could be completed successfully. If the request is successful, the id of the newly created Data Export is returned as well, which we can then use to initiate the download.

Use the Obelisk Catalog UI to check on the status of your export, or query the GraphQL API:

    me {
        export(id: "<Export ID>") {
            status {
            result {

The response to this request will include:

  • The timestamp on which the export was requested
  • The current status of the export, in terms of expected number of records, number of records processed up until now and the status identifier (QUEUING, GENERATING, CANCELLED, COMPLETED or FAILED).
  • Information on the result of the export, only when the status of the export is COMPLETED, otherwise the value of this attribute will be null.

Downloading an export

To download the export, send an Authenticated GET request to{exportId} replacing {exportId} with the id returned by the Export request.