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How to stream data?


Make sure the following prerequisites are met:

  1. You have a valid authentication context (see the guide on authentication).
  2. You have read access to at least one Dataset.

Using Obelisk Data Streams

Obelisk supports push-based communication in the form of Data Streams, using a two-phased approach. Before you can connect to a stream, you first need to register this stream using the Catalog API.

Setting up a stream

Data Streams require active processing in the Obelisk backend, and as such have more impact on the overall system load compared to the poll-based Query APIs (these are stateless). That is why we require you to register your Data Streams upfront and why we only allow a limited number of streams to be active at the same time for a specific account.

You can create a new Data Stream using the Obelisk Catalog UI, by clicking 'New' on the My Streams page and then following the instructions on the screen. Alternatively, you can also use the Catalog API to create the Data Stream (e.g. when creating the stream from a service or application). To do this, perform the following GraphQL Query1:

mutation {
    createStream(input: {
        name: "DemoStream1"
        dataRange: {datasets: "<Some Dataset ID>"}
    }) {
        item {

This GraphQL mutation requests the creation of a new stream with the name "DemoStream1" targeting the Dataset with the specified id. Because no specific Metrics are defined in the dataRange and no filter is present in the request (see Common Query Properties for a reference on the optional request parameters), the Data Stream will be streaming all events that are posted to the respective Dataset. By specifying responseCode and message in the expected return value, the response will include information on whether the request could be completed successfully. If the request is successful, the id of the newly created Data Stream is returned as well, which we can then use to start streaming.

Connecting to a stream

The actual Data Streams are implemented using Server-Sent-Events (SSE) and can be initiated by performing an (authenticated) HTTP GET request to{streamId}. The request header Accept: text/event-stream must be included!

A chunked HTTP response is returned that will not terminate (unless an error occurs). Each event posted to the Dataset2 that matches the predefined Data Stream configuration, is written to the HTTP response followed by two newlines \n\n (as per Server-Sent-Events specification). It is straightforward to write your own SSE parser, but existing libraries can be found for multiple programming languages:

  1. The Catalog GraphQL API is available at Documentation and an interactive console can be found at:

  2. Note that the data producer must enable streaming when ingesting data (see mode query parameter). By default, streaming is enabled.